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Friday 28 February 2014

12 Free Source Codes In C Programming!

Source codes can be lifesavers in more than one ways. Of course, you can simply copy and paste them. But for more advanced and involved programmers, a source code serves as inspiration to make their own program better. They might be using source code written by others, but they make their own additions to it so as to make something new. They use the source code to save time while coding.
C, source codes, C source codes, programming source codes, programming resources, best programming resources, resources on C, programming tips, tutorials on C

Assert is a macro that is really useful for debugging purposes. It allows you to check certain conditions at runtime, that is, at the time of execution. The assert.h header file needs to be executed.

This is the source code for printing n natural numbers without using any kinds of loop, including do while or while loops. The recursion and goto statements have been used to achieve the goal.

This source code can be used for merging two arrays together using the C Programming Language. Merging arrays often comes in handy during long programs.

The paint program allows the user to draw different shapes, like circles, lines, pixels etc. on the screen using their mouse. In addition, it also allows the user to choose various colours for the shapes.

This C source code is used to create a game that places a button on the screen and asks the user to use the mouse to press said button. However, the button moves away every time the user brings the cursor near it.

This is the program to open the web browser and any website using C. The program has used the Mozilla Firefox browser, so it should be installed on your computer for the code to work successfully.

This one simulates the goings on behind a traffic signal every day. It simulates a traffic signal.

This program can be used in order to perform simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on complex numbers. The program is menu driven and asks the user to choose the operation that they wish to perform.

This is a handy trick that you can play on friends or use it for other purposes. It restricts the mouse from moving outside a circle. If the user tries to do so, the cursor is moved back to its previous position.

10. Captcha

Captchas are often used for verifying bots on the internet. This C source code defines a captcha using the random function.

This program uses two rectangles and two circles to create a car like object. This is then moved using a for loop. 

12. Anagrams

This source code can be used to check whether two strings in a program are anagrams or not.

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