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Sunday 23 February 2014

16 Websites With Source Codes On C++!

 Source codes are often useful for programmers. Sometimes they help you figure out an idea that you have been missing. At other times, you can use them as references. Here are 16 websites that'll help.
C, C++, source codes, C source codes, programming source codes, programming resources, best programming resources, resources on C++, programming tips, tutorials on C++

1. DZone Snippets: Source codes for the C programming language from thousands of users.

2. Hotscripts: Categorically organised scripts and programs on C and C++.

3. Planet Source Code: You can find over one million lines of code in C and C++ on this website.

4. Freshmeat: Here you will find projects in the C language. There are over 9,000 of them.

5. Daniweb: This website offers useful code snippets for programmers.

6. ProgrammersHeaven: Here you will find programming resources on C.

7. Dr.Dobbs: Here you will find access to source code given in Dr. Dobb’s journal sorted by issue.

8. CProgramming: Programming resources for both C and C++.

9. Codecogs: This is a collaborative open source library useful for resources on C and C++.

10. Google Code: This is the Google Code archive for the C programming language.

11. Codepedia: This is a computer-related websites containing content on programming etc.

12. CIS 71: List of programs written in the C language meant for students.

13. Code Project: These are resources on C and C++ from Code Project.

14. The Free Country: Here you will find C and C++ libraries, VCLs, DLLs, components, source codes, application frameworks, modules, source code snippets and class libraries.

15. C++ Source Codes: 354 source codes written in C++ in one location. This is a comprehensive resource for any programmer.

16. CPlusPlus: This is a list of generic console and Windows programs that have been written in C++. 

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