TECHNOSAVVIE: 35 Must See Resources On HTML5








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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

35 Must See Resources On HTML5

 The fifth version of HTML, the HTML5 with its features for playing audio and video within web pages, and for using Scalable Vector Graphics is indeed a big name for web and mobile development. Learn more about the language with these amazing resources.
HTML, HTML5, HTML5 Resources, specifications, references, previews, tutorials, HTML5 tutorials


Naturally, the HTML5 specification from W3 is the first resource anyone serious about learning HTML5 should consult. This version of the specification introduces new features to help Web application authors and new elements, based on research into prevailing authoring practices. Also, special attention has been given to defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability.

This document describes the HTML markup language and provides details necessary for producers of HTML content to create documents that conform to the language. By design, it does not define related APIs, nor attempt to specify how consumers of HTML content are meant to process documents, nor attempt to be a tutorial or “how to” authoring guide.

This document provides a comprehensive rundown of the various commands to use when building HTML5 pages, while giving some practical examples on how to use them. 

This document gives developers an in depth look at the major differences between HTML5 and its predecessor HTML4, while highlighting new unique features. This document also provides information on HTML elements that have been removed from HTML5. Great resource to discover HTML5 Differences from HTML4 and unique HTML5 features..

A must-have document that discusses new design guiding principles for development of HTML5. Discover design issues that are pertinent with HTML5.


The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) serves as a venue for people interested in the maintenance and development of the HTML language. Being the main team that supports the W3C working group, WHATWG handles that technology development for web browser standards. Be a volunteer today and develop your HTML skills with WHATWG.

Keep plugging away with HTML5 with this handy HTML5 reference from W3Schools.

An easy to use reference guide wherein tags are listed alphabetically that gives a quick definition and use, plus notes on the differences in HTML4 and HTML5. This guide was designed to aid HTML5 students and professionals.

This online dictionary provides a quick and reliable definition of HTML5 terms or tags.

A handy cheat sheet that lists all available HTML5 tags and tag attributes into an easy to use format. Browse the sheet to quickly locate a particular tag and read more about it. The chart is printable for use when you are offline.

11. 5 doctor

HTML5 doctor is a compendium of articles that cover the development and use of the HTML5 language. The site is useful in getting detailed references for HTML5, including reviews and tutorials.

HTML5 Rocks offer several tutorials for immediate hands on experience. The site has a "code playground" where users can experiment with the tags and view the results right away. Several web page layouts are also provided.

A collection of HTML5 resources, tutorials and tips that can provide new ideas to web programming beginners. The site connects users to other sites which will offer more detailed HTML references.

A good site that features a comprehensive collection of articles for learning and updating your knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3.

A site dedicated to following new resources and news about HTML5. Stay up-to-date with HTML5 news and skills at HTML5 Samples.

Learn more about HTML5 from 23 more resources.

If you want to find even more HTML5/CSS3 resources, there is plenty to choose from in this collection of 70 resources.

Read 5 more HTML5 tutorials and get inspired by 20 designs, made with HTML5.


This article gives readers a basic and detailed introduction to HTML5 and its new features. Also the site explores the potential implementations and enhancements that can be seen in HTML. See how well the Smashing Magazine predicted the future of HTML5 in 09/2009.

From this article, see what the new HTML code will offer. The Quick Guide to HTML5 gives you an insightful look at the capabilities of HTML5, while describing potential applications that will come out of it. The Quick Guide to HTML5 will help you to learn more about new features and advantages of HTML5.

A must read for amateur web developers, the article explores the potential of HTML5. It also probes several new features of HTML5, and points out how the language can be easily used by novice developers.

Semantics is probably one of the most complicated areas of HTML5 for some. With this article, developers will get to see how semantics has evolved in HTML5. There is also a quick look at solutions for some of the most common issues with regards to HTML semantics.

See how HTML5 has undergone a wide array of development in last few years. This presentation takes you on a detailed tour of the development history of the new language. This will serves as a good introduction for those who are new to the language. 

This article provides a quick introduction to HTML5 and its new features. A comparison with HTML4 is also shown for viewers to see the differences. A good introductory piece for those developers wishing to learn more about HTML5.

This peachpit blog is a must read for those working on HTML for the first time. The article provides an easy to read introduction to HTML as well as its latest incarnation HTML5. It also gives a quick list of the new features that make it even better than its predecessor.

Google developers have created an introductory video about HTML5 regarding:
- Web vector graphics with the Canvas tag and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- The Geolocation API
- HTML 5 Video
- The HTML 5 Database and Application Cache
- Web workers

A 40-slide video presentation that comprehensively explains everything about HTML5 canvas - from the overview of canvas up to the future of canvas.

HTML5 Tutorials

After reading all those HTML5 tutorials, this e-book is definitely the next step for all those learning HTML5. The guidebook offers several guides on how to do some common HTML5 tasks. The book is written in an easy style for all readers.

This online school, known for teaching the basics of HTML programming, hosts a HTML5 tutorial as well.

This must-see site for advanced developers gives an in depth look at developing web applications while providing several examples for readers to look at and use for themselves.

From this article, learn several new features of HTML5 and how they can be used to come up with great pages.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating an HTML5 template.

In this tutorial, you will be introduced to a series of techniques that will make the most out of HTML5's yet to be common features to create unique and professional pages.

34. HTML 5 Tutorial series

A quick to read FAQ that covers everything about the history of HTML5, how it was developed and what the new features are. Get most of your HTML5 questions answered with an HTML5 FAQ.

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