TECHNOSAVVIE: 50 Cloud Computing Terms That You Should Know!







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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

50 Cloud Computing Terms That You Should Know!

With cloud computing becoming bigger by the day, there is yet another language that is picking up in the technology world. No, this is not a programming language. Often you will hear people say things like private cloud, cloud security, IaaS, XaaS etc. As a professional or someone interested in the industry, you should know what each of these means.

Here is a collection of 50 terms that are commonly used in the industry nowadays.
cloud computing, Apache, Amazon, Microsoft, Amazon EC2, Cloudstack, OpenShift, Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise, cloud enablement, cloud app

Airframe: This is an open source cloud computing platform that is meant for organisations who are considering taking up a private cloud services model.

Amazon EC2: Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud

Anything-as-a-Service: Also known as XaaS, this is a group of services that are available over the Internet via cloud computing.

Apache CloudStack: This is an open source cloud computing infrastructure-as-service (IaaS) platform. It aims to make it easier to create, deploy and manage cloud services.

Cloud App (Cloud Application): This is a term for software applications thataren’t installed on a local computer and can be accessed over the internet.

Cloud Application Management for Platforms (CAMP): Cloud Application Management for Platforms

Cloud Backup: Backing up data using a clou server.

Cloud Backup Service Provider: This is a term for a third party that distributes cloud-based data backup services.

Cloud Computing: This is a type of computing, which relies on sharing computing resources in place of working with local servers. It is similar to grid computing.

Cloud Computing Accounting Software: This is accounting software that is hosted on the cloud. 

Cloud Computing Reseller: This is a company that buys hosting services from a cloud server hosting provider and then re-sells to its own customers.

Cloud Database: This is a database maintained on the cloud, which may or may not be made available to clients.

Cloud Enablement: This is the term for making any or all of the following services available — cloud provider, application and client.

Cloud Management: Software designed for managing and operating cloud services, applications and data.

Cloud Migration: Moving a company’s data, applications and services completely or in part to the cloud.

Cloud OS: This refers to Platform as a Service (PaaS), showing that a company is associated with cloud computing.

Cloud Portability: The ability to move applications across cloud providers. 

Cloud Provider: This is a service provider, who can offer customers software solutions, storage etc. related to the cloud.

Cloud Provisioning: Deploying one’s cloud computing strategy.

Cloud Server Hosting: Hosting services being made available to customers on demand over the cloud (through the internet).

Cloud Storage: Storing data on the cloud.

Cloud Testing: Load and performance testing of cloud services and applications.

Desktop-as-a-service: Used in short as DaaS, this is a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

Enterprise Application: Applications that would be useful for enterprises or businesses.

Enterprise Cloud Backup: These are essential features required for enterprise-based cloud backup. 

Eucalyptus: This is an open source IaaS platform for enabling private clouds.

Hybrid Cloud Storage: An amalgamation of public and private cloud storage.

IBM Cloud: Enterprise-class services and technologies that have been developed in order to aid customers in analysing how ready they are for the cloud, adopting strategies and finding the business entry points for this environment.

IBM CloudBurst (CloudBurst): This is a ready to go solution designed by IBM for providing resource monitoring, services availability and cost management in the cloud.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service: Computer infrastructure that is delivered over the cloud.

Internal Cloud: Private cloud.

Mobile Cloud Storage: Cloud storage for mobile devices.

Multi-Tenant: Multiple customers on the same public cloud.

Online Backup: Backing up data from your computer to a remote server using a network connection.

OpenStack Grizzly: This is the seventh release of the OpenStrack open source cloud computing platform.

Personal Cloud Storage: Cloud storage for your (an individual’s) personal private data.

Private Cloud: A cloud computing platform implemented within a private firewall.

Private Cloud Project: These are projects undertaken by companies to make their IT infrastructure stronger.

Private Cloud Security: This is a private cloud implementation that tried to avoid objections regarding cloud computing security.

Private Cloud Storage: Cloud storage for an enterprise where there data and cloud storage are both within the enterprise’s data center.

Public Cloud Storage: In this the enterprise and storage service provider are separate and the data is kept outside the enterprise’s data center.

Red Hat Cloud Computing: These are solutions by Red Hat for private clouds, public clouds and hybrid clouds.

Red Hat CloudForms: IaaS offering, which employs over 60 open source projects.

Red Hat OpenShift: This is meant for developers, giving them a variety of languages, frameworks and clouds to build, test, run and manage their applications on. Languages like Java, Perl,PHP, Ruby, Python etc are offered.

Software as a Service: Access to software remotely over the cloud. 

Software Plus Services: This is Microsoft’s philosophy that tries to complement the company’s on-premises software offerings with remote cloud-based software options.

Storage Cloud: This is a collection of connected and multiple distributed resources that are meant to store and manage data on the cloud.

Vertical Cloud Computing: Optimisation of cloud services for a particular vertical.

VMware vCloud Connector: This is a tool that is used for hybrid cloud computing for organisations. 

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