TECHNOSAVVIE: 53 Cheatsheets For Programmers And Developers








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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

53 Cheatsheets For Programmers And Developers

 This list would what you would call a programmer’s or developer’s dream. Here we present to you an A-Z of cheatsheets that are relevant to programmers and developers. It doesn’t cover all languages or databases, but you’ll find most of what you need. If there’s anything missing, feel free to let us know so we can do better.
Linux, C, C++, C#, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, .NET, Ruby, Rails, Groovy, Apache, HTTP, Apache Ant, AJAX, Apache Cassandra, ASCII,

1. Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX): This is a group of interrelated web development techniques that are used to create asynchronous web applications on the client side.

2. Apache: If you’re using the Apache HTTP server then this cheat sheet is just what you would need in front of you.

3. Apache Ant: This java library and command line tool is used for automating software build processes.

4. Apache Cassandra: The open source distributed database management system is often the first pick when scalability is a concern.

5. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII): The most common character encoding scheme.

6. Berkeley DB: Oracle’s Berkeley DB is a fast and reliable option chosen by many developers.

7. Blueprint: This is a cheatsheet on the popular CSS framework/

8. C: In many ways it is the father of some of the most popular programming languages.

9. C#: A cheatsheet on C# never goes to waste. Most programmers learn the language and a cheatsheet always helps.

10. C++: One of the most useful programming languages ever. It is a must learn language for programmers.

11. Calculus and Analysis: Programmers and developers often need to have a good grasp on calculus and analysis in order to build certain types of apps.

12. Clojure: One of the most popular languages running on the Java Virtual Machine.

13. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets along with HTML is the language of the internet.

14. Debian: A cheatsheet on one of the most popular Linux-based distributions.

15. Django: Written in Python, this is an open source web application framework used by many.

16. DOM - Document Object Model: This is the convention used for interacting with objects in XHTML, XML and HTML.

17. Drupal: The open source content management system is highly popular amongst developers/

18. Eclipse: One of the most popular IDEs, used almost everywhere today.

19. Fedora: One of the big daddies from amongst the Linux-based distributions.

20. Firebug: The web development add-on for Mozilla’s Firefox has turned quite a few heads.

21. Git: It doesn’t matter whether you support open source or not, Git needs no introduction.

22. Groovy: This is another programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine.

23. Hadoop: Big Data is the future and hence, so is Hadoop.

24. Haskell: This is an open source functional programming language.

25. HTML: Use the Hypertext Markup Language to create your own website.

26. Java: The inescapable language for programmers and developers.

27. JavaScript: The scripting language for the web.

28. jQuery: A feature rich JavaScript library.

29. Linux: Command line tips that Linux users will find useful.

30. Mac OS X: This is a keyboard cheatsheets for Apple’s Mac OS X users.

31. Mathematica: The Wolfram Mathematica is considered to be a very powerful system.

32. MATLAB: This is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment.

33. MySQL: Some have been losing fait over MySQL, but the database still goes strong.

34. NMAP: You hackers know what this is don’t you?

35. Node.js: This is the pick of the lot for building scalable web 

36. Oracle: This is a reference cheat sheet for Oracle’s SQL.

37. Perl: The popular programming language is used in a variety of places.

38. PHP: Not much needs to be said about PHP.

39. PostgreSQL: This is often used as an alternative for MySQL.

40. Python: One of the most popular programming languages available today. It is used in everything from game programming to hacking.

41. Ruby: Another popular programming platform used by many across the globe.

42. Ruby on Rails: This is an open source framework that runs on Ruby.

43. Scala: This is an object-functional programming and scripting language running on the JVM.

45. SQL - Structured Query Language: The programming language used to manage data stored in relational database systems. 

46. SQLite: This is the relational database management system that is held in a C programming library.

47. Ubuntu: Linux for humans. It may be so, but a cheatsheet is still useful.

48. Unicode: This is the standard for encoding in the world of computers. 

49. Unix: A cheatsheet for working on the Unix command line.

50. WordPress: The content management system has grown in popularity over time.

51. XHTML: This is an XML markup language. It stands for Extensible HTML.

52. XML: XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and is used by many.

53. .NET: This framework from Microsoft runs primarily on Windows and there is a debate about whether it is open source or not. 

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