TECHNOSAVVIE: Want To Learn UNIX? Here Are Some Free Online Courses For You!








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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Want To Learn UNIX? Here Are Some Free Online Courses For You!

Learning UNIX is a necessity, whether you are a Linux learner or a perspective hacker for that matter.
UNIX is a multi-tasking and multi-user computer operating system which was designed to provide good security to the systems. This operating system was developed by some employees of AT&T in Bell Labs. Infact, Linux derives much of its basic design from principles established in Unix. Learning UNIX is essential, whether you are a Linux learner or a perspective hacker and we are here to make your life easy.
UNIX, UNIX tutorials, Students, Linux, hackers, A Basic UNIX Tutorial, Practical Programming in C, Systems Programming and UNIX, Unix—the Bare Minimum, UNIXhelp for Users, UNIX Tutorial, UNIX Tutorial for Beginners

Here's a list of free online courses on UNIX:

1. A Basic UNIX Tutorial at Idaho State University

This tutorial comprises fourteen sections, each of which addresses a fundamental aspect of UNIX computing. It concentrates on illustrating the central concepts by providing short explanations, along with examples, and exercises. Topics like directories, text editing, customising the shell, filters, processes, multitasking and accessing UNIX systems are covered effectively.

2. Practical Programming in C at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This course provides a thorough introduction to the C programming language, the workhorse of the UNIX operating system. Topics like syntax, grammar, programming techniques, UNIX signals, hash tables, external libraries and synchronisation are covered effectively.

3. Practical Unix at Stanford University

A practical introduction to using the Unix operating system with a focus on Linux command line skills available through video lectures. Topics like grep and regular expressions, ZSH, Vim and Emacs, basic and advanced GDB features, permissions, working with the file system, revision control, Unix utilities, environment customisation, and using Python for shell scripts are covered effectively.

4. Systems Programming and UNIX at the University of Arizona

Provides UNIX information actually taught on campus University of Arizona. Contains links to PDF lecture slides, exams and solutions and example assignments. You also get the names of the textbooks used on campus, which are optional to buy. However, won't give you any actual credit.

5. Unix—the Bare Minimum at the University of California - Davis

This PDF tutorial trains students in UNIX basics by using explanatory text with example commands. Topics like special names for some directories, creating directories, text editors, file commands, moving files to other directories, pipes and redirection are covered effectively.

6. UNIXhelp for Users at the University of Mississippi

Students are proviede with a manual index or glossary to research terms that they might find diificult to understand. Topics like looking-up commands, understanding processes, program development tools, editing text files, writing shell scripts, managing processes and file manipulation utilities are covered effectively.

7. UNIX Tutorial at the University of Utah 
Students are provided with a reference manual to find specific command summaries. Topics like making and removing directories, creating short files, printing files, examining files, changing directories and imputing simple commands are covered effectively.

8. UNIX Tutorial for Beginners at the University of Utah 

Provides students with eight UNIX tutorials outlining step-by-step procedures and codes. Topics like files and directories, copying files, redirection, killing a process, useful commands, source codes and variables are covered effectively.

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