TECHNOSAVVIE: 11 Useful Cloud Computing Tutorials








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Thursday, 26 June 2014

11 Useful Cloud Computing Tutorials

Open Modal

Modal Box

This is a sample modal box that can be created using the powers of CSS3.
You could do a lot of things here like have a pop-up ad that shows when your website loads, or create a login/register form for users.

Want to do your own thing on the cloud? Play around with Twitter or Facebook? Build Facebook apps? Well, these books could be a great way to start with.

Cloud computing is the future, you may have heard someone say this before. Here are 11 tutorials that will get you through various aspects of dealing with the cloud.

Twitter, Facebook, PHP, .Net, Python, Tropo, XFBML, FBML, HTML, JavaScript, best cloud tutorials, top cloud tutorials, cloud tips

1. Using Google Weather API In A C# Application

This one teaches you the basics of getting the weather with Google weather API.

2. Using Tropo & Python To Have The Phone Tell Us The Weather

According to the user, this tutorial teaches you to set up an automatic phone system and, using Python, design it to answer the phone and tell you the weather in your area based on the zip code you give the program.

3. FaceBook FBML Ajax / PHP Interaction

Did you think HTML is the only markup language that you need to know about? Well, think again. This tutorial deals with three languages, FBML (Facebook Markup Language), PHP and Ajax.

4. Faces In The Cloud: High-Throughput Data Processing W / Message Queues

Want to set up a grid computing cluster that can leverage a high-performing message queue for arbitration? Here is a user teaching you just how to do so.

5. Scraping Tweets Using Python And Flask

Most scripting languages are good at scraping information of a web page, but Python is exceptionally good at it. So, this tutorial takes the Python programming language and the Flask micro-framework and teaches you how to scrape tweets.

6. Icon Using Python And Google Translate

This tutorial covers three things. First, it teaches you how to use Python to write a simple script for translating text to be used in other applications. Second, you will learn to scrape HTML using BeautifulSoup and lastly, using the Google AJAX service for translation purposes.

7. Google Data Java Client API

The Google Data Protocol is an application package interface designed by Google, which in turn allows developers to interact with various Google functions, like docs etc.

8. [PHP] Building Automated Twitter Bot With Twitters API Functionality

This tutorial teaches you how to make a bot for Twitter using the PHP programming language.

9. Facebook PHP API And XFBML On Iframe

You need to understand PHP, HTML and JavaScript for this one. It teaches you how to make a Facebook application using PHP and XFBML.

10. Using The Python Twitter API

This tutorial teaches you how to write a basic Twitter client using the Python Twitter API.

11. [C#] Twitter API: Get User Timeline

This user generated tutorial gets you started with building a .Net library for the Twitter API.

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